
Level Crossings

We are fortunate to live in a lovely part of the country, however we need to be mindful that there are a number of potential dangers for our children within the local area.  One of these is the nearby railway and level crossing.  With that in mind, please see below for some resources that you may wish to go through with your child.  Please be mindful that some of the content could cause upset and as such we would highly recommend that you assess its suitability before sharing.
EYFS/Key Stage 1
The book below is a Thomas the Tank Engine ebook provided by Network Rail, suitable for EYFS and KS1, which warns of the dangers of level crossings.
Key Stage 1/Key Stage 2
Below is a PowerPoint intended as an assembly, however it works equally well at home and has some very useful advice specific to level crossings.
There are also some embedded videos that formed adverts warning of the dangers of level crossings that were produced by Network Rail (please view beforehand to gauge appropriateness of content).