
What is Sports Funding?

School Sports Funding is a government initiative that aims to fund improvements in PE and school sports as part of the 2012 Olympic Games legacy. In April 2013 it was announced that £450 million would be made available to primary schools to improve the provision of physical education (PE). In summer 2017 it was announced that this funding would double for the foreseeable future. This funding is ring fenced and can therefore only be spent on provision of PE and sport.
Schools (in conjunction with the Governing Body) decide how best to spend Sports Funding in order to benefit their pupils, to improve the quality and breadth of PE and sport so all pupils develop healthy lifestyles and reach the performance levels they are capable of.
The Governing Body regularly evaluate the efficiency of spending. The principle aim is to achieve sustained long term benefits for the children.
At Etwall Primary School we aim to:
  • Provide training for staff to develop their confidence and competence in teaching PE
  • Provide access to a wider range of physical and sporting activities both in and out of school
  • Increase the number of children who participate in competitive sport
  • Increase the amount of physical activity undertaken at school
  • Purchase resources that will enhance our PE and sport curriculum
We monitor the effectiveness of Sports Funding in a variety of way, which include:
  • Take up of extra-curricular clubs, broken down by gender and age
  • Entry into and progress through competitive sporting fixtures and competitions
  • Registering pupils sporting interests and prowess outside of the opportunities provided by school
  • Take up of CPD opportunities by staff