
Our Curriculum

Our Curriculum
The pages in this section allow you to find out what the children are studying from EYFS up to Year 6. 
If you have any further questions about what we teach, or would like a paper copy of any of the information on the website, please don't hesitate to get in touch with the school office via info@etwall.derbyshire.sch.uk.  Please direct your enquiry to Mrs Bradley, our curriculum leader.  
Please enjoy looking at our curriculum overviews for our school. 
EYFS follow a one year program, all other year groups follow a 2 year cycle to ensure children get a wide breadth of experiences. 
Cycle A shows coverage for the Academic Year 2021-22* 
Cycle B shows coverage for the Academic Year 2022-23.
*Please note that, for  2021-22, the PE curriculum was amended to reflect the fact that many children  missed out on swimming lessons throughout the pandemic.  As such, we took the decision to use some of our sports funding to provide swimming lessons for Years 1 to 3, in addition to those normally provided for Year 4.  This gave Years 1 to 4 the opportunity to have 1 PE lesson per week (alternating between skills based Real PE and sport specific PE on a termly basis) and 1 swimming lesson per week. 
Year 1/2
Year 3/4
Year 5/6