Reception 2025 Stay and Play Session and School Tours - Friday 25th October. This is an inset day for the rest of the school but please do come along and meet the team if your child is due to start Reception in September 2025.

Why is our Curriculum unique?

What is Unique about the Curriculum at Etwall Primary School?
The ethos that comes through from staff, children, parents and the wider community. I am always proud of working in this school and how inclusive we are, how much we genuinely care about each other, go above and beyond to help each other out and make our school a caring and happy environment to be in. This comes through not only in curriculum time but in all areas of school life and the wider community. All of this means that children leave our school as well rounded, brilliant citizens. 
Member of Teaching Staff
We like learning because it is fun as we have nice activities, as well as making learning choices if we are finished with an activity.  
 Y1/2 Children 
As a parent, I appreciate the additional support given to my child to help them with areas they are struggling in. Teamwork from the staff is evident in the support given both during the lockdowns and as children are 'catching up'. Etwall is a caring school that recognises that children learn best when they are safe and happy. 
The library is a beautiful room! We like that we have the opportunity to use the library at lunchtime. We like that there is no time limit on when we have to return the books we borrow. 
 Y3/4 Children
The cross curricular approach to learning. The children are really embraced in their wider curriculum topics as this is covered through a range of subjects to provide multiple learning opportunities.
Member of Teaching Staff
Real teamwork has been achieved by all teaching staff at Etwall School with innovative ideas to achieve curriculum delivery during the covid outbreak.  All staff throughout the school have performed way beyond any expectations.   Helping each other in any way, proves what a strong united staff is at Etwall Primary school with the overall aim of keeping children safe, happy and attending school.
We look after trees and plants, have lots of areas to play like the playground, the field and the forest schools area and we keep tidy by picking up our rubbish.
Y1/2 Children
The atmosphere as we have a strong community feel and this is supported through some of the capital cultural. 
Member of Teaching Staff
Coming to school and seeing Mrs Toynbee and Miss King.
We eat lovely dinners.
Playing with my friends. Making friends with children from other classes.
Homework- it is fun to do things at home and show our teachers.
I like getting Dojo points.
Bringing our mouse to school.
EYFS Children
Our community- how we support one another and how we support children pastorally.
The forest school and outdoor learning- the areas have really been developed to support areas of the curriculum.
We listen to pupils and use their ideas to ensure their learning meets their needs and is meaningful to them.
When we make decisions, we always have the children in mind. They are always at the centre of what we do. This ensures the children have impactful learning opportunities.
Member of Teaching Staff
We have an amazing forest area with an awesome pond and get to do forest school up in the forest and play hide and seek and loads more. 
Y5/6 Children
We have art club, Soccerstars, gardening club, cookery club and lots of other after school clubs.
Y1/2 Children